Monday, December 10, 2007

Year in Review - Collin

Collin turned 2 this year and is, well, awesome. He can keep up with his sister riding a bike around the neighborhood and regularly makes the 3 mile trek to and from one of our local parks. He jumps off of anything, whether we ask him to or not. He sleeps with footballs, golf balls, basketballs, and soccer balls. He likes Mickey Mouse and loves, loves, loves trains, trains, trains and more trains. Airplanes and trucks are cool too, but he loves trains.

On a more personal note for him, he's also getting pretty good at saying his prayers and is roughly 75% potty trained, if you can give potty training a raking. He's quick to say sorry and give hugs, and is a joy to have in our house. Basically, he rules.

If you haven't seen the video of him climbing our dresser, or the video of him jumping on the trampoline, check out the following links:

Climbing Collin
Jumping Collin


Verity said...

Let Collin know that Wade often sleeps with his football, too. :) Great post!

bedelia said...

I never noticed but collin looks like amy

Gpa Sheen said...

Hey Collin! "am I buggin' you... don't mean to bug ya!" :)

Emily said...

Oh my gosh - the climbing up the dresser was hilarious! So many things I have to look forward too...