Friday, October 17, 2008

Growing Up

Abby was invited to a birthday party today. She was very insistent that she was old enough to go to parties without mommy anymore. "Mom the card only had my name on it, so I just get to go. I want you to stay home and clean the house."

What the heck!


bedelia said...

That's really funny. Have fun cleaning. ha.

Anne said...

whoa---that means she must actually see you cleaning the house. that's impressive. sy would probably say, "mom, why don't you stay home and...what is it you do around here again??"

Verity said...

Ah, man. That's so funny and frustrating at the same time!!! :)

Gpa Sheen said...

I agree! What the heck!

Fred & Charlene said...

Abby is very young to be
thinking like a teenager. That is advanced reasoning indeed!!!