Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Chicken Pox and vaccines (or lack the thereof)

These pictures don't quite do this justice; only the very worst pox are showing up.

We took Evan to the Doctor today with what the doctor said was one of the worst cases of chicken pox in a baby he has ever seen. At first I thought, "How is this possible? He is up to date on his vaccinations..." But it turns out the varicella (chicken pox vaccine) isn't given until 12 months. I talked to the Dr. and nurse a little about how he could have even gotten chicken pox - I thought it was virtually gone because of vaccinations. Turns out because so many parents avoid having their little ones get shots that would prevent huge diseases, lots of practically extinct diseases are making a come-back. So because some parents decided that their child didn't need a vaccine, my seven-month-old gets to suffer through an awful bout of these scratchy little polka dots. I'm just glad it was only chicken pox this time, not anything worse. He is miserable but at least it isn't life-threatening like polio or whooping cough or something.

So to all the parents out there who think their decision not to vaccinate or to do so very slowly only affects them, please think about my little guy. My older two have had their varicella and its booster and have shown no signs. I don't know where he picked this up, and I don't want people who live around here feeling guilty that they may have spread it to us. That isn't the point. I am just frustrated that I am doing all I can to protect my kids from life threatening illnesses, but because so many people are refusing to vaccinate, my children are still at risk. I simply am not allowed to vaccinate them quickly or early enough to keep them healthy. I know this is a bit of a rant - sorry about that. It has just been on my mind for a while and when this came up I couldn't hold back, especially after being up half the night with our miserable little Evan.

Give me some opinions. If you disagree let me know why, and if you agree I would love to hear that I am not alone feeling this way.

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Anonymous said...

Poor little guy! Give him a kiss for me.

momsheen said...

I feel for you, Amy, and your little Evan. In my day, when my kids got the chicken pox (because there was no vaccine in them OLD DAYS), I had one get it, then another a week or so later, then another, etc. until they all had it. I felt like I was home for 3 months straight!!! Hopefully he will be all well and happy again soon.

momsheen said...

Oops - I forgot that it was only three at a time that got the chicken pox in our house. The three older ones when they were little, then the three younger ones later when they were little, but it sure felt like 3 months straight! :0(

Amanda said...

Oh that's so sad! I feel so bad for him!! (But he still looks so cute!) And, I don't think you're the only one who feels that way. I totally agree!

Chris said...

Bless his & your hearts.

As far as vaccines go ... children are given way more vaccines in our day than ever before & autism is more prevalent because of it.
I think a balance should be made. There are tons of books on vaccines that talk through it all. Spacing them out is another tactic used to prevent autism. I've heard The Vaccine Book is good. It talks about that.
Pros & Cons are in everything.

Verity said...

I'm so sorry, Amy! That is NO fun!!! Hope Evan feels better soon!!

Fred & Charlene said...

So sorry little Evan has this miserable desease. Thankfully Abby and Collin will be fine.
Give Evan a hug for us!!

Anne said...

yikes! this is so sad.

Emily said...

Most people use the excuse of autism as to why they don't vaccinate, it frustrates me too! Most vaccines now DO NOT contain mercury (thimorasol sp?) which is the only component medically proven to be linked to autism.

Maegan said...

I totally agree with you Amy. People do not realize that by not vaccinating, they put their children and other's at risk. Spacing out the vaccines are not a bad idea if that is what a person wants to do, but there has been NO clear cut evidence that vaccines cause Autism. I am sorry about your poor baby!