Monday, June 15, 2009

Little Rascal

Tonight I was putting Abby to bed and asked her to say her prayer for the night. I had already turned off the light to help get her ready to sleep, so when she asked, "Can you turn on the light?" I was a little hesitant. The rest of the conversation went like this:

Me: Why?
Abby: Well, I don't like it when the light is off.
Me: Why?
Abby: Because I like it when the light is on.
Me: Yes, but why?
Abby: *Exasperated exhale* Ok. Let me say this one more time. I like it when the light is on.

It was too sound of an argument for me - I had to turn the light on. Rascal.
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Fred & Charlene said...

Abby loves light and she is so beautiful outside in the light all dressed for Aunt Melissa's wedding.

Gpa Sheen said...

She'll probably be a lawyer some day! or maybe an EE!!