Friday, October 26, 2007

Long overdue update... sort of

So I'm just going to put out some quick updates for everyone. Hopefully this satisfies some of your curiosity as to what is happening in the Sheen household.

- Amy's currently 11 weeks along, so we are almost clear of the 1st trimester. Hoo wah!
- I'm no longer subbing for Amy's seminary class
- Amy's no longer teaching seminary
- I'm teaching seminary now. :)
- Painting a house should be easy.
- Abby's learning her letters really well - we love preschool teachers
- Collin loves jumping on our trampoline
- Abby can swing on her own now
- Collin loves Super-Why on PBS
- Collin still loves trains
- Abby's going to be a princess for Halloween

So there's a lot more that's gone on over the last several weeks, but I don't have any of the pictures here with me at work where I'm typing this out... Come to think of it, I'm really sure right now whether or not we've lost some pictures/video that we've taken - our camera won't power up right now so we're kind of out of luck right now as far as new pictures go. Hopefully between naps and other things this weekend I'll be able to update this page with some of the pics that we took before the camera went on the fritz.


Verity said...

Wow!!! Teaching seminary on top of everything else! That's awesome. Thanks so much for the update--I've been thinking about you guys.

Chris said...

Are you saying Blogs are for those who only read books with pictures?

Valeri said...

I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to update this thing! :)

Congrats on the baby news! We will keep you in our prayers that all goes well. Can't wait to see more updates and pictures.

Gpa Sheen said...

Hoorah!! I hope it is still warm in Austin.