Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Family Night

Last night we had a pretty good family home evening - we sang songs on our way to home depot, spent a good 30 minutes just pushing buttons on every Christmas toy/ornament at Lowes, and finished the night off with some Dairy Queen ice cream. Mmmm! But once the kids were in bed, it was time for work. I only spent 30 or so minutes on tiling, but this is what the floor ended up looking like in the bathroom at about 10:30 last night. Not too shabby.


Fred & Charlene said...

Oh for the strength of the youth!! We wish that we had just half of the energy you have. You are to be admired for your hard work and avoiding debt for dental bills.
Your bathroom floor is looking great! Another big job almost completed.
You mentioned going to Kansas; this is probably a business trip.
We are really looking forward to seeing you, Amy, and you adorable Abby and Collin at Christmas time.
Hope Amy is feeling good; and wishing all of you a very
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Our Love to each of you,
Grandma and Grandpa Stone

Jordy said...

I really like that design.

Verity said...

Nice work! I'm impressed, too, because I call it a day around 8:30pm. HOW do you find your energy?