G-ma and G-pa Sheen came down Friday and were here for what we called "Easter Bunny Day", our day for the typical Easter Egg hunt and Easter Bunny gifts. The past few years, we've done all that on Sunday and decided this year to split that off so that we can help the kids distinguish between the celebration of spring, new life, and the Easter Bunny, and the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It was a recommendation from the Ensign, and we thought it worked really well. The kids were surprisingly less sugar crazy at church too!
Anywho, G-parents Sheen had their camera out more than we did (we only took out our video camera), so hopefully they'll post their pictures sometime. We had lots of fun with them, and Amy and I actually got to see that movie Juno while they watched kids Friday night. It was a pretty awesome weekend.
Before we went to church we got some amazing pictures of the kids. Click on any of the below to see a bigger version of these.

Happy Easter!