Monday, February 2, 2009

I Love Costco


Costco is awesome and for so many more reasons than the 12 lbs. of baking soda they sell for only $4! I can feed my family for $6 and change, get two weeks of groceries in a single trip, and they give you free boxes. They say the boxes are to help carry the groceries, but we all know they are really meant for the hours of fun at home playing pirate ship, puppet theater and building the tallest buildings you possibly can!
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bedelia said...

Wow, Evan looks so big and I'm glad the box didn't collapse on his head.

Verity said...

Loved this. We were just there yesterday, and I could not resist their berry smoothies!!! :)

Fred & Charlene said...

Abby and Collin gave Evan his very own little condo. He fit perfectly in that box.