About a week ago I saw an awesome deal on craigslist for a large playhouse. I look occasionally out of nostalgia remembering the days when I used to play with my sister in a huge playhouse in our backyard. It was literally too good to pass by.
The two top pictures are in progress pictures. The last one was taken right as it was getting dark and when we tried to lighten it, it turned out like an old fashion photo.
The playhouse was delivered to our side yard and we thought if we took down a part of the fence we could just slide it into place. Well after about 15 minutes of four adults pushing we moved it three inches! So instead we had to completely tear it down and rebuild it. With the help of Logan's parents (thanks so much!) and lots of man hours by Logan and I, and as the title mentions the sacrifice of my foot to a rusty nail (yes, I had to get the shot) -- we have a huge new playhouse! It is still missing the porch awning, that is tomorrows project but I thought these pictures were too cute. The kids are in heaven, it has a three sided loft and everything! If anyone wants to stop by for a play date just let me know, we love having friends over.
That's awesome. Lucky kids.
That is sooo sweet.....
That looks so cool. I hope they have many fun hours playing in there. Did you remember your playhouse had care bear curtains? This brings back a lot of fun memories.
Brian told me about your unfortunate nail incident and the tetanus shot. I'm so sorry!! The playhouse looks adorable though and I know the kids will love it. I loved my playhouse growing up! And, the last picture looks so cool and rustic!
Do you guys have to pay taxes on that now?
I'm jealous! That playhouse looks AMAZING!!!
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