Tuesday, June 9, 2009

30th Birthday Luau

Enjoy some pics from my 30th birthday luau! As I'm posting these, I'm remembering that I never posted any pictures from Collin's 4th or Amy's birthday... Whoops. I'll get on that. Until then, here you go!


Jordy said...


Anne said...

happy birthday!! those pictures made me miss everyone. and was that a hula girl on your cake? awesome.

Verity said...

Ahhh, man, now THAT is how to celebrate a 30th! LOVE YOU GUYS! Happy B-Day, LOGAN!

Anonymous said...

That looks like a lot of fun. Great job on the party, Amy!

Gpa Sheen said...

You are getting old, dude! No wonder we couldn't get you on the phone!

Erickson Fam said...

happy birthday Logan!