Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Fun - Part 3

Before actually going trick or treating we also went to a work party at NI. It was a bit scaled back from what it has been in previous years, but the kids still enjoyed themselves. We didn't stay very long because the kids wanted to get to Gattiland (a pizza and games place, kind of like Chuck-E-Cheese's, if you're not familiar) for dinner.

On Friday, Abby had a parade at her school with the rest of Kindergarten. I took a video of her walking, but for some reason I'm having trouble getting the import to work. If I do, I'll hopefully post that here.

Later that day on Friday, I took the family to a friend from work's home for some good food and fun. Again, I don't have pictures of that...yet.

Finally, we went trick or treating last night. The kids had a good, safe time, with our only real scare coming from a weiner dog named "Abby". :)

Work Party

Trick or Treating


Fred & Charlene said...

Hey there mates!! You boys are such cute pirates, and Abby is a glorious princess. Great pictures!!

Gpa Sheen said...

Tell the Jack Sparrow's I really love them costumes, matey.