Sunday, July 11, 2010

First Half of Summer

Wow.  It's been a busy several weeks for the Sheens O'Round Rock.  Amy and I both had our birthdays, we've been to Houston and Dallas and had several adventures in between.  Thankfully a good part of the time has been with others - family or friends - so there's pictures somewhere on the interwebs of each place or activity.  And rather than trying to play catchup on the last several weeks with a barrage of posts, enjoy a hodge podge of photos that we have taken!

When I was moving between one end and the other to mount the curtain rod to the wall, the ladder (which is one of those tri-fold ladders, around 12 feet tall when fully extended) started to bend on me. It was terrifying. I had to some how maneuver the ladder so that I didn't get flattened and so that the ladder didn't pop through a second story window. But I managed to stabilize it, got it straight again, found that the locking mechanisms simply were not engaged in the middle bend, and corrected that in a hurry. Probably more information than anyone cares to read, but there you go.


Gpa Sheen said...

Awesome pics and awesome work!

Verity said...

Great pics!!! Amazing job on those drapes,!!!

momsheen said...

You guys did a wonderful job choosing fabric, sewing and hanging those curtains!! They look great! :) Can hardly wait to see them in person.

momsheen said...

PS - What a great way to celebrate the 4th of July - viewing the Capital of Texas, etc.! Looked fun!

Fred & Charlene said...

These photos are awesome!! The children are growing up quickly, and they are adorable!!
You and Amy provide great experiences for them.