Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Easiest Pumpkin Carving EVER!!

I've seen some "jack-o-lanterns" over the last couple of Halloweens that looked more like Mr. Potato Heads. Admittedly, when I saw them, I thought, "Come on now - how hard is it really to carve a pumpkin for Halloween?" Well, tonight when I had the option to go and buy a few of those pieces or to carve the pumpkins that had been sitting outside for the last few weeks, it really was a no-brainer: Get the Mr. Potato Head pieces.

The kids each picked out a box of these for a whopping $3.50 each at Walmart, and bam! 7 instant "jack-o-lanterns"! No knives! No fire! No mess! Just good times!


Verity said...

Oh, my goodness, that is so awesome!!!! We will have to do that!!! THANKS FOR SHARING!

Jordy said...

My kids love fire, I don't know that they would let me not carve pumpkins!

Fred & Charlene said...

What a GREAT idea!!
Your creations are
cute and funny!!