This past week, the family decided it was time we went camping. We'd been afraid of kids around the fire, around water, being out in the heat all day, etc. But two things happened that made us change our minds. First, the Westons - we've seen all these pictures of Dan, Kristina and their kids out and it just looked fun! Second, we looked at the next 2 months or so, and pretty much every weekend is booked solid with one thing or another. With the weather being so perfect right now, with low 50's in the morning and low 80's at the hottest, it was just time.
Three neat things
1. When we arrived at the campground we found out that in the time we were traveling there, they had enforced a no burn ordinance for the whole county! All we could think was "No smores!? That is just not going to work!" Well as it turns out a no burn ordinance means no wood fires or fires in fire pits, but you can still use charcoal. Luckily this campground has BBQ's and charcoal was still allowed in those. Who'd have thought smores could be so delicious over charcoal?
2. Well after a little while it started to get dark (it was only about 6:45 pm) and Abby announced "Mom, it is getting so dark let's go to bed." Awesome! We ended up keeping them up a little longer until about 7:30 and then they all slept through the night. It has always been a huge camping fear of mine that the kids would never go to sleep and we would have to pack up and go home at 2 am.
3. Fishing poles for kids are great! They were about $10 each and at Academy Sports they had about 20 different kinds of kid poles. Abby picked Disney princesses and Collin picked Scooby Doo (he has never seen the show, but went on the ride at 6 flags about 5 times and loved it). They come with a little rubber toy thing on the end to practice casting safely. They liked doing that way longer than actual fishing. Next time I am not even going to bring the worms and hooks (they were super gross anyways).
Well after a very fun two days we packed up and came home, and I started throwing everything into the washer. After about 2 loads the laundry room flooded with a few inches of water. I thought "Well I have been meaning to mop in here, now is as good of time as any, little more water than I would have used but oh well." Well on the next load the washer stopped working all together, it is now in about 50 pieces in the laundry room.
Motor Coupling piece to fix washer - $15
Time spent on a Saturday to fix the washer - 3 hours
Figuring out how to take apart, fix and put back together a washer without breaking it further - Priceless
How fun! Those fishing poles look like a lot of fun too. I'm not the biggest camper, but seeing the pictures and hearing how fun it is makes me rethink things too. We're excited to come see you guys in a few weeks!:)
Loved this post!!! Hopefully SOMEDAY we can all go camping together!!
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