Sunday, February 10, 2008

Brief Update

First, sorry I haven't posted any pictures in a while, and another sorry that I won't be posting any right now. We've been incredibly busy over the last few weeks, with the car wreck and all. For those of you who haven't heard the story the shorthand story is simply that I ran a red light - at the time, I thought the Chevy Silverado was running the red light, but as soon as the world stopped spinning, it was very obvious to me that I had ran it. The second part to this story is I'm very thankful for a wife that ensured that we get more than liability-only insurance. As it turns out, we're going to be getting back more than we expected from the insurance. We're not out of the woods just yet, but we're thankful nonetheless that we were prepared for such an incident.

The other thing that has taken over our lives for the last month or two is some serious spring cleaning/reorganizing/redecorating. Amy's gone crazy with craigslist, selling off almost everything in this house that we haven't used or have had "tucked away" thinking that we would use again, but never have. I don't think we'll ever garage sell again. Put simply, CRAIGSLIST = AWESOME.

We've also purchased and painted bunkbed's for Abby's and Collin's room, plus additional furniture for their room, repainted Abby's room a light yellow color and made it play room, repainted the guest room/nursery a baby blue color, repainted our room to be a tan "macadamia" color, purchased and put together new furniture for the nursery and play room, created a slip cover for a little chair of Abby's, repainted a few lamps, got a sewing table for Amy, and have made some serious headway on Evan's quilt-to-be. To summarize, we have a 4 bedroom house, and thanks to Amy's nesting phase of pregnancy, none of them look the way they did when we got back from Christmas vacation.

Add on to this, our neighbor convinced Amy to help her make jam - Jalepeno jam, or more correctly, candied jalepenos. I thought she was nutty for even agreeing to help, seeing the heartburn that she gets during pregnancy, but she did it, and would you believe it, it's pretty dang good - especially with cream cheese... mmmm...

We also managed to go to the "Nut Tree" in Round Rock - or rather, what the Nut Tree in Vacaville may have looked like if it remained in the middle of no where and was not kept up aside from a bit of paint every 10 years or so. It was pretty fun, but no where near as nice as the Nut Tree.

Anyhow, between all this, we have taken some pictures, hopefully some good ones, but I just don't have the camera right now. :) Lame excuse, I know, but I should really get back to preparing my lesson for tomorrow. Take it easy! Thanks for checking the blog! We promise to post some pictures soon, hopefully no later than this weekend... unless Amy has me repaint and tile the kid's bathrooom...


Verity said...

Great update!!! You all have done more in one month than I will probably ever do in my lifetime. I am in complete awe of you. What's Evan's middle name going to be? And what is the "exact" due date?? Love you guys! (ps. Logan, I tagged you. And Amy, too, if she wants. See our blog.)

Fred & Charlene said...

We are thankful that you weren't injured in this accident. Having the needed insurance is a real benefit.
We like Amy's enthusiasm and organizing strategy. Our garage can use more relief from a large collection of items over the years.
We are eager to see some new photos of Abby and Collin.
Love, Grandma and Grandpa S.

Maegan said...

You make me feel like I am a slacker. I wish I had that much motivation and time to get all of that done. You are a super mom.