So Tommy asked what happened to Abby's arm, to avoid repeating this story a number of times, I thought I would just put it on the blog. (By the way this story does not exactly highlight my great parenting skills.)
The kids and I are big fans of the Leander Library. So about 4 weeks ago I was talking to the kids and told them if they went and found all the library books that we have right now, we could go return them and get some more. Well, Abby did exactly what I asked her to and found them all and tossed them into a pile on the floor. But then realized she needed to get something from the play room, she ran back into the front room and slid on the pile of library books and fell hard on the carpet. She was completely distraught and sweating, but I didn't think much of it. She fell on carpet after all and she could move her hand and fingers without much pain.
Well the next day she wouldn't use her right hand at all, so a friend of mine says you may want to take her in just in case. So I think ok sure why not. When we got there the doctor looked at it and said this sure doesn't look broken, maybe twisted or sprained, but she doesn't appear to be in enough pain for it to be broken.
(By the way we later find out that Abby was doing everything in her power not to show that it hurt, because she saw Evan go to the doctor for his six week check up only a few days earlier and thought she was going to get four shots just like Evan had to.)
The doctor ordered x-rays just in case. Well it turns out there is a complete break along her wrist! But by this time it is about 4:30 in the afternoon, too late to get into the pediatric orthopedist. So Abby had to wait until the next day to get in and get a cast. Nearly 48 hours after the original break! She is quite a trooper.
To make it up to her we forked out a little extra to get the water-proof cast so she could still swim this summer. So worth it by the way! She has had it on for nearly 4 weeks now and will get it off Friday. Hopefully I will remember to post some pictures of her getting it off!
Tough kid, just like her Daddy!
Wow. My niece is a superhero! That's pretty funny about her trying to hide the pain so she wouldn't have to get shots. Kids are amazing, and a heck of a lot tougher than me. ;)
Yay, you guys are updating your blog again! I check it almost everyday! Abby looks like such a big girl with her cast on.
Poor girl! Isn't it funny how we as moms always take the blame for these inevitable accidents? Glad she's doing so well!
That's a pretty pink cast! When Heather was in Kindergarten, she also had a pink cast. She had been jumping from the top of her laundry basket onto a pile of stuffed animals and landed wrong. She didn't get a cast for a day or two, either, so don't feel too badly! ;-)
So thankful that Abby's arm is healing well. Having a water-proof cast is great for playing in the pool.
You are a very brave little girl!!
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