We had intended to do a slide show, but Collin has been feverish for 9 days now, so I just haven't had the time. Yes I have taken him to the Dr. and ER, and the Dr. has been calling each day to check in on him. They say it is just a really bad virus that has given him fevers of over 105 degrees! (Anyone that has had a similar experience and has any advice please comment.)
GREAT Pictures! It was fun to look at those. I'm sorry about Collin! A friend in my ward had a daughter who was sick with high fevers for several days, too, early in the summer. We'll keep him in our prayers and hope he's better SOON!
Fun. Sorry to hear about Collin. And apparently, I'm not checking often enough but the tile is looking good. Can't wait to see it completed.
Happy Anniverary, guys! We're only a couple weeks behind you! I still remember August 2002 when it seems so many of us were getting married (you, Mika, David Mickelson, Kyle Lemmon, me, and I know there are more). Hope you guys had a special day.
Happy Anniverary! Those are some cute pics. Is it possibly roseola? Usually with roseola, the kids have a really high fever with no other syptoms that would lead one to believe it has a respiratory cause, and then the fever breaks and they have a rash. What does your doctor say?
The dr. thought that was what it was also. But tests came back negative. Luckily it appears as if he may actually be getting better finally!
where did you find all those blue outfits that perfectly match!! i love the incredibles pic----where is logan's speedo?? cute post.
Happy anniversary you guys! You look great. I love the pictures.
Amazing how quickly time passes. Would you believe Chad and I just celebrated 10 yrs! Crazy!!
email me at barbie_erickson@hotmail.com and I can add you guys to my blog. It's Private, annoying I know.
Happy Happy Day to the both of you. Your blog is great, love the pic's and the kids, too cute. Love, Vicki
Happy 6th Anniversary! Hope Logan treated you like the queen you are, Amy. So very glad that Collin is doing better, and hope he's back to his ole' self soon! :)
So sad to learn that Collin has been ill, but thankful to know he is improving.
When John was about Collin's age he had a similar illness. After visits to the doctor, two priesthood blessings, loving care, and faith he recovered. Look at him now!!!
You are such loving, caring parents; you give your beautiful
children the very best attention.
Hope you get some rest.
Sorry I've been bad at reading this lately, but I hope Collin is doing better!
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