Well after two long weeks, all the tiles are cut and set! We have been working at night once the kids go to bed for 3-5 hours. (It would be a little easier if Evan would consistently sleep through the night, but he is our little miracle child and I have nothing to complain about.) We still need to grout and put new baseboards on. I don't think we will quite make it by our anniversary on Saturday, especially with Logan's work participating in his work's huge expo this week called NI week. But it will be close and it will be beautiful! Oh, Amelia asked what areas of the house we are tiling. It is basically all of the main areas. The entry, the dining room, the family room, kitchen, and breakfast area. Our only carpet is now in the bedrooms and a little hallway between the playroom and a bedroom! We hope to even replace all of that carpet with new carpet in the near future. Already it is so much nicer to clean up after the kids and know that it is all clean. Evan's spit up is a simple wipe up instead of hauling out the carpet cleaner each and every time to scrub at the carpet only to have it look ratty and stained after it dried.

Our First Night of Tiling

One of the many really hard cuts Logan was able to do without even splitting the tile!

The Kitchen with most of the tiles cut and set. Baseboards and grout are soon to come!
Wow, it looks awesome! If we lived closeby Neil would absolutely help! He's quite the tile pro (just like Logan). We are hoping to tile all our bathrooms this fall. It makes such a difference. Great job, guys!
It lokks beautiful! You are doing such a good job...try to get some rest :)
Looks great! Hope you can go out to dinner to celebrate the tiling project/anniversary! ;)
ps. Rhiannon and I L-O-V-E your song playlist! R's personal favorite is Stop and Stare.
looks great, Amy! our 1st house in blockhouse was all tile and i loved it. you've been working hard!
WOW! You guys are amazing!
Way to go! That is pretty neat stuff.
Professional work!!!
You two are awesome!!!
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